
Dr Brenda Hattingh
Dr. Brenda Hattingh is an international inspirational speaker, coach, leadership expert, genetic thought leader, and author. Her areas of expertise cover topics including DNA recovery, self-coaching, authentic leadership, genetic resilience, and Power Intelligence – the intelligence of the future.
Dr. Brenda Hattingh coined the term ‘Power Intelligence’ in 1988 in the book, ‘Power Intelligence- energizing people and Organizations and creating prosperity.’
Although Dr. Brenda’s academic career includes a B.Sc. degree in Medical Science, Genetics, and Neurobiology, an Honours and Master’s degree in Adult Education, and Ph.D. in Psychology, it was her personal journey back from being paralyzed after fracturing her neck in an accident, that led her to understand how to coach yourself back to health, wealth, happiness and success by recovering your original DNA success blueprint.
For the last 20 years, Brenda has contributed to humanity’s genetic leap to authenticity as encoded as our original DNA blueprint. As a thought leader, her research, courses, articles, keynote addresses, and books focus on bringing mind-blowing information about DNA recovery.
Humanity’s quantum leap not only requires a whole new mindset but also a new heart-set with new skills and tools. This also calls for a new intelligence – Power Intelligence. Power Intelligence is the intelligence of the future that brings humanity in balance with Artificial Intelligence. The Academy for Authentic Living and Leading provides all the necessary courses with new information, skills, and tools.
Dr Johan Erasmus
Dr. Brenda Hattingh is an international inspirational speaker, coach, leadership expert, genetic thought leader, and author. Her areas of expertise cover topics including DNA recovery, self-coaching, authentic leadership, genetic resilience, and Power Intelligence – the intelligence of the future.
Dr. Brenda Hattingh coined the term ‘Power Intelligence’ in 1988 in the book, ‘Power Intelligence- energizing people and Organizations and creating prosperity.’

The Company, the Centre for Power Intelligence, was established in 2000. The aim of the company was to provide all the necessary books, coaching, and training material to expand the awareness and consciousness of Power intelligence.
For more than 20 years, the Centre for Power Intelligence has been working tirelessly behind the scenes to raise awareness and elevate consciousness while bringing the vision of a new future, success, and prosperity for all. Over more than two decades, The Center of Power Intelligence under the leadership of Dr. Brenda Hattingh, has facilitated change, transformation, and leadership development in companies, organizations, and government departments including the South Africa Defense Forces and the South African Police Services.
Dr. Brenda has received various rewards including the Professional BusinessWoman of the Year Award for her change and transformational work during the early 1990’s under the leadership of Nelson Mandela.

The development of The Power Intelligence Success Profile (PISP) started in 2003. It has since evolved into a powerful assessment tool determining the level of Power Intelligence and providing guidelines for further development for individuals, companies, and organizations. The PISP is currently being upgraded to the latest technology and will be available by Dec 2023.
Dr. Brenda Hattingh is committed to the development of inspired thinkers and leaders. These are people who know the way, go the way, and show the way to authentic living and leading. It promises to be an exciting, entertaining, informative, and transformative experience for Brenda and the audience as she once again re-enters the marketplace and takes in her place on the platforms of life.
What is power intelligence?
In short - Power Intelligence[i] (PI) is the ‘conscious ability to utilize infinite potential as power-on-hold while creating quality outcomes of success and prosperity that will benefit all’.
Loehr and Schwartz state that managing energy is currently becoming far more important than managing time.

Accept the challenge– know your Power Intelligence status!
Understand how you spend your time and energy - become power intelligent
Do our Power Intelligence Success Profile
Find out how effective and efficient you and/or your team, company, and/or organization are utilizing, maximising, and investing your potential.

If you are INQUISITIVE about finding out what the level of Power Intelligence is for you personally, your team, company, and/or organization as a whole.
You are a CONFERENCE ORGANISER or TRAINING COMPANY looking for a futuristic, inspirational SPEAKER Leadership Consultant and trainer and/or Keynote speaker/s that are competent, experienced reliable, and committed to making a difference.
You are a CEO, HR-SPECIALIST, TEAM MANAGER, or LEADER who believes in implementing new programs with cutting-edge skills and tools that will enhance success, prosperity, wellness, resilience, and innovation for individuals, teams, and your organization as a whole.
You, your team, group, and/or company are going through CHANGE and need FACILITATION
You don’t yet have the latest new cutting-edge strategy for leadership development and want to implement new LEADERSHIP DNA, NEW SUCCESS DNA, and POWER INTELLIGENCE, into your personal life, team/and organization strategy.
You want an ASSESSMENT of the underlying forces and dynamics at work in your life, your team, and/or organization and want to know how to change negativity and conflict into productive energy
You want a competitive advantage by having us help you become an accountable COACH and MENTOR
You want a competitive advantage by having us as an ACCOUNTABLE TRAINING PARTNER on your training and development team

WHo should contact us?
All Leaders in every position, CEO’s, HR-Mangers and team leaders
Event and Conference organisers & Company workshop organisers
Coaches, mentors, Psychologists, Counselors. Trainers and HR Developers
Community developers, school and academic leaders, teachers
All individuals who are committed to a new season of quality living

Contact us for:
Cutting-edge leadership training and developing New Leadership DNA
An inspirational speaker for your next event, conference, or training session
Training of a new workforce with New Success DNA & Power Intelligence
Assessment of the potential in yourself, your team, company, and/or organization
Self-mastery, self-mentoring, and self-development courses
Executive Coaching & Mentoring
Coaching & Mentoring Training (training the trainer)
Community Development (See: Securing the Madiba Legacy in life and leadership)
We help individuals, teams, and organizations maximize, utilize, and manage their personal and collective power/energy and potential (power-on-hold) while achieving a competitive advantage. We cut through superficial assumptions and get to the fundamental dynamics of individuals, teams, and even an organization as a whole by making use of cutting-edge assessments, tools, and skills.
We can also pinpoint the level of Power Intelligence while identifying potential that still needs to be released and put to work. At the same time, we assist in releasing current potential available in order to further the success path, prosperity, relationships, and even career, of individuals, leaders, teams, and communities. We also apply measurable personal & and organizational strategies to support personal & and business objectives.
You can get all the necessary information, help, and assistance from The Centre for Power Intelligence
At the Centre for Power Intelligence, we provide workshops, books, teaching & and learning; coaching & and mentoring material in order to help individuals, teams & and organizations understand the fundamental dynamics of self, teams, companies, organizations, and communities. We assist with addressing negative issues while utilizing and maximizing the infinite potential of all involved.
We are involved in laying a new foundation for future success by introducing cutting-edge knowledge, skills, tools & and training initiatives. We take hands with inspired thinkers and futuristic leaders who are looking for a new approach and need to implement innovative and creative programs that are also time & and cost-effective. We help them, their teams, and/or companies to accelerate their path forward.
Everything we do is aimed at bringing:
A new mindset, elevated awareness & increased ability to successfully re-invent self, team & organisation
Enhanced self-awareness, resilience, wellness & innovation
Amplified leadership initiatives & New Leadership DNA
Cutting edge skills & tools to develop New Success DNA
Deeper understanding of how to utilize human potential (on the DNA level) and maintain sustainability
Cutting edge skills & tools to manage energy/power & potential and create flow
A new approach to change and transformation
New energy, inspiration & practical Power Intelligence
Happier relationships, families, customers, and clients
Measurable personal & organizational progress that support personal & business objectives

We are passionate about the development of a new generation of thinkers and enlightened leaders. We have the expertise, experience, knowledge & skills to harness & utilize energy/power & potential while creating new success strategies and outcomes.
We motivate and support individuals/leaders as people who are willing to be path-finders and mapmakers. Years of research has brought a deeper understanding of the importance of utilizing potential within the brain as well as ‘junk-genes’. Constant research and development has provided access to new skills and tools no-where else to be found and form part of training. The Power Intelligence Success Profile (PISP) was developed as assessment tool.
We have also trained many people in self-mastery, New Leadership DNA, New Success DNA and Power Intelligence. At the same time we are contributing to re-writing personal and social DNA.
The concept Power Intelligence (PI) is derived from the two words: power meaning ‘to move’ and intelligence, derived from two parts as ‘intel’ (Latin) meaning ‘between two or more’; and ‘ligence’ meaning ‘to choose’.[i] We have the ability to consciously choose how we want to lead our lives. The more power intelligent we are, the more conscious we are – the better our choices and the more successful we become.
Power Intelligence is rapidly becoming the intelligence of the future. By developing your Power Intelligence you will become conscious of your infinite potential, develop a new approach to success and understand the ultimate power of fundamental dynamics and flow. This is also a journey of self discovery.
The term Power Intelligence (PI) was first coined in 2000 by Dr Brenda Hattingh, a leadership and management consultant, author and inspirational speaker from South Africa. The term Power Intelligence was thereafter formally introduced to the academic world[ii] in 2000 where PI was defined as ‘the intelligence of the future’.[iii] Various have been published on the subject.
[1] Hattingh, B. (2004). Power Intelligence. Energizing people and organizations and creating prosperity. Kairos Books: Johannesburg
See website: http://www.powerintelligence.net
Hattingh, B. (2012). Power Intelligence. Mastering the Miracle Mind. Currency Communications Int: Johannesburg
[1] Loehr, J. & Schwartz, T. (2003).The Power of full engagement.Managing energy and not time. Free Press: New York.
[1] Hattingh,B.(2012). Power Intelligence. Mastering the Miracle Mind. Currency Communications Int: Johannesburg. p.60.
[1] The term Power Intelligence first introduced in 2000 at the International PSYSSA Conference: Caesar’s Convention Centre: Johannesburg. Academic paper presented by Dr. Brenda Hattingh tiled 'Power Intelligence – The challenge of the future'.
[1] Hattingh, B. (2004). Power Intelligence. Energizing people and organizations and creating prosperity. Kairos Books: Johannesburg
sburg. Academic paper presented by Dr. Brenda Hattingh tiled 'Power Intelligence – The challenge of the future'.